The mishnóc method is a daily planning tool that was developed by myself to help mitigate the cost of the “ADHD Tax”. This tax burden can be high on those with poor executive function skills.
What is an “ADHD Tax”?
The ADHD Tax is a tax that people with ADHD or people with various neuro diversities pay as a result of poor executive functioning.
Like with all taxes it is unavoidable. We might try make it on our own for a bit after diagnosis, seeing only the good that ADHD brings in terms of creativity, hyper focus and so on but after enough tax has been paid we will eventually seek out ways to mitigate the costs.
What are examples of an ADHD Tax?
I could list hundreds of examples of the cost of ADHD taxes on my own journey but I will keep it to two.
The first was the bailiffs from the tax office arriving outside my door looking for €490 cash or goods to the value of that amount for failure to de register from a plastic bag levy on my shop. It was a box I should have ticked on a form, I knew I should have done it, It was on my desk to do it, it was easier to do it than not to do it. I didn’t do it.
I had a flight to London to meet a supplier on Friday. On the Monday I booked a room at the airport for the night before as the flight was quiet early. Arriving at the airport on Friday morning refreshed and well rested I looked at the board for my flight. I started to feel a little uneasy, something didn’t quiet make sense. My flight wasn’t on the board. My head spun and it felt like one of those dreams where everything just fails to work. There was something wrong with the world. It turns out the world was just fine of course. The flight I had booked was for the previous day.
Will the mishnóc method change my life?
Not a chance, you will do that. I was diagnosed late in life at 35. It was a revelation. It answered so many questions I had. It allowed me for the first time in my life to become comfortable with the person I was.
What it didn’t do was change things in any way. Yes I was more at peace with myself but the same underperforming patterns persisted.
In whose eyes were you underperforming? My own, I had the ideas, the vision, the courage to start new things but these inevitably fizzled out to nothing. I was too busy indulging in all the great attributes ADHD people have to pass any notice on the weaknesses we tend to posses.
Of these weaknesses Poor Executive Function is the one that will doom you to inaction and forward planning.
When I started my daily planning method in 2012 I had no idea I was compensating for Poor Executive Function skills. I needed a method fast for making my new business succeed. I was 35, penniless and failure was not an option.
Today “mishnóc” is business that employs six people and has given me a life I could not have dreamed of at age 35. It would not have happened without the simple method I developed. If you do not have ADHD you just need a daily planner. If you do have ADHD you need “The mishnóc method” planner.
When can I buy the planner?
The planner is being put together over the next few months and should be available in the summer of 2025. You can sign up to our mailing list here to be notified.